You check your calendar, make sure you have a baby sitter, or the day off from work. You go online or call and book your massage. Your feet have been killing you ever since your 12-hour shifts began and you are stoked to finally be getting in to get a massage.
It is the day of your appointment. You arrive at the massage office and get taken back to the room. Everything is going great. The place is nice, the therapist is accommodating. The therapist asks, “What can I do for you today?”
You let her know of your feet are a problem. She asks if you want full body. You tell her that would be nice, as long as some extra work was done on your lower legs. She tells you what to do to and steps out of the room.
Your excitement and relief that this is finally here, and you get ready for the massage as quickly as possible. The therapist returns, and it is an hour of gentle, relaxing strokes. She massages your back, gets right between the shoulder blades, and releases tension on your neck and upper back. She moves to your legs and massages those, pressing in to the calves and massaging to the ankle. You turn over, she starts on your neck and shoulders. The pressure is perfect and knots and tension release. She massages your arms and legs.
You have been waiting for this moment. Your feet are about to be worked on. She spends about two minutes on each foot and apologizes that the time ran out and she will step out while you get dressed. You are deflated. All you wanted was to have your feet be the focus. Everything else was secondary.
You walk out, and there she is with a smile on her face, a bottle of water in hand and she asks you how it was. You give a weak smile. To be honest, it was a wonderful massage, except for the fact that she didn’t work where you had asked.
This is the thing I hate about massage. It is my pet peeve, that when someone comes in to get a massage, they don’t get what they specifically requested.
My goal for my clients is for them to get what they came in for.
Each session I ask what you are looking for; I ask what you are wanting to focus on, and I reiterate that back to you, so you can tell me. I want you feeling like you are a million bucks when you get out of session.
If I don’t give you what you are looking for, please let me know so I can try to make it right.